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ODOT Every Day Counts Webinar

The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) Center for Acceleration Innovation (CAI) has established an innovation network throughout each state in the country by uniting leaders and professionals, public and private, collectively known as State Transportation Innovation Council (STIC). STICs are led by the FHWA and State Department of Transportation. The STIC evaluates, decides, and implements transportation innovations for the Every Day Counts (EDC) program. The EDC program was established in 2011 that identifies and deploys transportation innovations that will enhance roadway conditions, improve efficiency, and increase safety. The EDC innovations are selected every 2 years, and we are currently on round EDC-6 (2021-2022). You can read about EDC here:

I’ve been attending the Oklahoma STIC meetings since 2011. These meetings bring transportation professionals from across the state to engage in information and idea exchanges. To stay connected and current with transportation developments in our state, I felt it was important to attend STIC meetings. A few years ago, I volunteered to join the sub-committee for special innovations (SCSI). The purpose of this sub-committee is to explore and promote special innovations that have been and are currently taking place in Oklahoma.

A few months ago, Teresa Stephens of ODOT took over the helm of the Oklahoma STIC SCSI. Under her direction, the STIC SCSI is proud to announce a webinar series featuring EDC innovations at work in Oklahoma. The first webinar will be held September 30th. Registration is free. You can sign up below.

Article written by Pamela Jurney of CTC


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